Archive by Articles 2022 The Kushite Queen Irtieru and Her Tomb, Nuri 53 Countering the Racist Scholarship of Morphological Research in Nubia: Centering the “People” in the Past and Present Introduction Review: Kom Tuman II: Late Period to Graeco-Roman Pottery I–II Review: Iron from Tutankhamun’s Tomb, by Katja Broschat, Florian Ströbele, Christian Koeberl, Christian Eckmann, and Eid Mertah Cretans in the Levant Elements for an Attribution of Letter KBo 28.13+ to the Marriage Dossier of the Hittite-Egyptian Correspondence Pithom and Rameses (Exodus 1:11): Historical, Archaeological, and Linguistic Issues (Part II) Two Pivots of the 7th Century BCE from Thebes, Egypt, and the Beginning of Woodturning Textual Evidence for the Diplomatic Role of the Egyptian Official Tutu from Amarna Astrological Botany and Greco-Egyptian Plant Names Musuri (“the Egyptian”), King of Moab Pithom and Rameses (Exodus 1:11): Historical, Archaeological, and Linguistic Issues (Part I) 2021 Kamiros Faience: Imported or Local? Can We Have Both? Aegyptiaca in Action: Assessing the Significance of Scarabs and Other Egyptian and Egyptianizing “Amulets” at Perachora and Beyond Some (Preliminary) Observations on Attic Black-Figure Pottery from Naukratis Introduction The Bronze Aegyptiaca in the Aegean, 10th–6th Centuries BCE: An Overview Thoth with Four Eyes: Chinese Views of Egyptian Hieroglyphs in the Late Qing Period (1840–1912) Religious Topography of West Thebes in the 1st Millennium BCE: The Role of Reused Private Tombs Eine Parallele zwischen der hebräischen und ägyptischen Sprache beim übertragenen Gebrauch von “Bogen” als “Regenbogen” The Owner of Theban Tomb 221 Einige neue Bemerkungen zum ägyptischen Wort ‘b “Bogen” Akhenaten’s Window and the Aegean Connection Djahy in the Egyptian Inscriptions and Yarimuta in the Amarna Letters of Byblos “The Ultimate Woman”: Cleopatra I Syra and the Ptolemaic Bias of Daniel 11:13–18 From a Land Far Away: Egyptian(izing) Amulets from Jebel Qurma, Black Desert, Jordan Scarabs and Seals in the Central Italian Peninsula: A Short Overview (Early Iron Age–Late Orientalizing Period) The Faience Industry at Kerma Egyptianizing Faience from the Sanctuary of Apollo Hylates, Kourion, Cyprus