Archive by Articles 2023 The Relationships between Egypt and Syria in the 24th century BCE According to the Texts of the City of Ebla, Syria Contacts between Egypt and the Southern Levant in the Late Early Bronze Age: An Open Question Identity and Monumentality: The Construction of an Early Bronze Age Landscape on the Lebanese Coast In the Shadow of Byblos: The Early Bronze Age Aegyptiaca from Tell Fadous-Kfarabida Metal as a Mechanism for Understanding Social Complexity during the Third Millennium BCE: A Comparative Zooarchaeological Perspective on Egypt and the Southern Levant Egyptian Trade on the Central Levantine Coast During the Early Dynastic Period: A Ceramic-Material Perspective Early Dynastic/Old Kingdom Egypt and the Early Bronze Age Levant: The History of the 3rd and 4th Dynasties and New Radiocarbon Dates in Dialogue “There’s No Place Like Home”? Representing Travel and Return from the Old to the Middle Kingdom The Egyptian Enclaving of Southern Canaan during the Late Fourth Millennium BCE: Some Theoretical, Cultural, and Spatial Aspects Applied Potmarks between Lebanon and Egypt in the Early Bronze Age Reconsidering Egyptian-South Levantine Interaction: Evidence from Early Bronze Age II Contexts at Tell es-Sultan and Tell el-Far‘ah North Contents, Status, and Symbolism: The Study of Residues from Imported Jars at Old Kingdom Giza The “Combed Ware” Storage and Transport Vessels from Khirbet ez-Zeraqon: A Reappraisal of the EB II–III Evidence in Light of Recent Petrographic Studies The Three Temples in antis at Megiddo Egypt and the Mediterranean World from the Late Fourth through the Third Millennium BCE 2022 Origin of the Coffin Set of Meretites (NAMA 2007.12.1–7) An Overview of the Offering Trays and Soul Houses in the Penn Museum Egypt Through the Magic Lantern: Bringing an Antique Technology Back into the Light Untangling the 19th-Century Roots of Southern Illinois’ Egyptian Regional Identity An Interior View: Osiris and Serapis in ca. 2nd-Century Rome The Roman Egyptian-Nubian Frontier during the Reigns of Augustus and Amanirenas: Archaeological Evidence from Talmis, Qasr Ibrim, and Meroë Introduction Ideas about “Race” in Nile Valley Histories: A Consideration of “Racial” Paradigms in Recent Presentations on Nile Valley Africa, from “Black Pharaohs” to Mummy Genomest Rediscovering the Links between the Earthen Pyramids of West Africa and Ancient Nubia: Restoring William Leo Hansberry’s Vision of Ancient Kush and Sudanic Africa The Barbarians at the Gate: The Early Historiographic Battle to Define the Role of Kush in World History Kushite Kings before the Twenty-fifth Dynasty Afterlives of Kerma Religion: Rams, Lions, and Fantastical Winged Animals (Hippopotami and Giraffes) in Classic Kerma and Later Kush Contexts The Invention of Aithiopian Antecedence “Backwater Puritans”? Racism, Egyptological Stereotypes, and Cosmopolitan Society at Kushite Tombos The Victorious and the Defeated: The Legacy of the Egyptian New Kingdom in Meroitic Martial Imagery