Archive by Articles 2012 Egypt’s Cultural Relations and Egyptian Phonology in the 3rd Millennium B.C.E. A Comparison of the Historiography of Egypt and the Ancient Near East from the Third to First Millennium The University of California, Santa Barbara, Purdue University Tombos Expedition Berlin Statue Pedestal Reliefs 21687 and 21688: Ongoing Research Vartavan and Armenian Egyptology Centre (AEC) Research Program 2012-2013 Recent Work Concerning the Relations between Egypt and Her Neighbors New Evidence for Contacts between Egypt and the Northern Levant during the Amarna Period: A Clay Sealing with the Throne Name of Akhenaten at Tell Mišrife/Qatna (Syria) Imported Vessels Found in Tell El Retaba: Signs of Egypt’s International Contacts I. S. Moyer, Egypt and the Limits of Hellenism K. Duistermaat and I. Regulski (eds.), Intercultural Contacts in the Ancient Mediterranean The Miners Who Invented the Alphabet – A Response to Christopher Rollston The Importance of Imports: Petrographic Analysis of Levantine Pottery Jars in Egypt Egypt and Israel: The Ways of Cultural Contacts in the Late Bronze Age and Iron Age (20th – 26th Dynasty) Conferences and Symposia Synchronisms and Significance: Reevaluating Interconnections Between Middle Kingdom Egypt and the Southern Levant News from an Old Excavation: Two Hitherto Unnoticed Measure Capacity Signs on an Egyptian Stone Vessel of the Middle Kingdom from Royal Tomb II at Byblos Late Bronze Age Cornelian and Red Jasper Scarabs with Cross Designs. Egyptian, Levantine or Minoan? An Egyptian Loanword in the Book of Isaiah and the Deir ‘Alla Inscription: Heb. nṣr, Aram. nqr, and Eg. nṯr as “[Divinized] Corpse” The Eighth Campaign of Thutmose III Revisited Synagogues and Cemeteries: Evidence for a Jewish Presence in the Fayum S. Bar, D. Kahn and J.J. Shirley (eds.)– Egypt, Canaan and Israel: History, Imperialism, Ideology and Literature The Galatian Shield in Egypt The Obelisks of Augustus: The Significance of a Symbolic Element of the Architectural Landscape in the Transmission of Ideology from Egypt to Rome Egyptian Ideas, Minoan Rituals: Evidence of the Interconnections between Crete and Egypt in the Bronze Age on the Hagia Triada Sarcophagus Zipora Cochavi-Rainey– The Akkadian Dialect of Egyptian Scribes in the 14th and 13th Centuries BCE A. Merriman– Egyptian Watercraft Models: From the Predynastic to Third Intermediate Periods Bruce Louden– Homer’s Odyssey and the Near East Bezalel Porten et. al.– The Elephantine Papyri in English: Three Millennia of Cross-Cultural Continuity and Change (Second Revised Edition) 2011 The Campaign of Ramesses III against Philistia Egypt and the Chad: Some Additional Remarks