Archive by Articles 2020 Fight the Power: Udjahorresnet and Petosiris as Agents of Resistance Udjahorresnet’s Family and His Social Background Udjahorresnet, Democedes, and Darius I: The Reform of the House of Life as Consequence of the Egyptian Physicians’ Failure to Heal the Achaemenid ruler Udjahorresnet and the Royal Name of Cambyses: The “Derivative Sacrality” of Achaemenids in Egypt Les Soutiens de Cambyse en Babylonie, de 539 à 522 av. è. c. (The Supports of Cambyses in Babylonia, from 539 to 522 BCE) Udjahorresnet the Persian: Being an Essay on the Archaeology of Identity Herodotus’s Perspective on the Situation of Egypt in the Persian Period from the Last Saite Kings to Xerxes’ First Years Diplomacy in Ancient Times: The Figure of Udjahorresnet: An International Relations Perspective Introduction: Udjahorresnet and His World: a Key Figure of Cross-regional Relations Reconsidered The Anatomy of a Coffin Text Demon Fear and Loathing at Amarna: A Case Study of the Development of Sacred Objects in Response to Communal Anxiety Ghosts and Ancestors in a Gender Pespective The Slaughterers: A Study of the Ḫꜣ.tyw as Liminal Beings in Ancient Egyptian Thought The Maned Hippopotamus at Lahun: Identifying Homes and Names A Particular Depiction of Anubis from the Tomb of the Sculptor Nakhtamun (TT 335): Is Anubis a Demon? Symbolae Sacrae: Symbolic Formulae for Protection and Adoration within the Quarries of Gebel el-Silsila The Impact of the Manifestation of Demoniacal Winds on Terrestrial Life: The Role of Demon Gangs in Dispersing the Iꜣdt-rnpt Baba and the Baboon Demons Liminal Sources of Dangerous Powers: A Case of the Black Ram The Guardians of Menekhibnekau: Chapter 144 of the Book of the Dead in the Shaft Tomb of Menekhibnekau at Abusir Mnḥ, “The Butcher” and Lord of the Butcher Demons The Bꜣw of Taweret: Vindictiveness (and Forgiveness) of the Hippopotamus Goddess Liminal Deities in the Borderlands: Bes and Pataikos in Ancient Nubia Disease Demons in Mesopotamia and Egypt: Sāmānu as a Case Study Underworld Demons in the Decoration of the Large Late Period Shaft Tombs at Abusir Introduction 2019 An Egyptian Private-Name Scarab Impression on a Clay Sealing from the City of David Book Review: Birgit schiller—Handel in Krisenzeiten. Ägyptisch-mykenische Handelsbeziehungen in der Ramessidenzeit Technical and Analytical Study of One of Tutankhamen’s Inlaid Walking Sticks Transient or Eternal? Cross-regional Identity Display Reconsidered: The Missing Head of the Statue of Darius I (NMI 4112)