Archive by Articles 2018 The Role of Migration Theory in Egyptology Destruction and Fall of Egyptian Hegemony over the Southern Levant Joseph, Ahiqar, and Elephantine: The Joseph Story as Diaspora Novella The Role of Egypt in the Formation of the Hebrew Bible References to the Pharaoh in the Local Glyptic Assemblage of the Southern Levant during the First Part of the 1st Millennium BCE The Egyptian-Canaanite Interface as Colonial Encounter: A View from Southwest Canaan Egyptian Gola in Prophetic and Pentateuchal Traditions: A Socio-Historical Perspective The Past and Future of “Biblical Egyptology” Editorial Introduction Did You Sleep Well on Your Headrest?—Anthropological Perspectives on an Ancient Egyptian Implement Mutuality in Exploring the Past: Ethno-Experimental and Community Archaeology Boat Symbolism in Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt: An Ethno-Archaeological Approach Building a Predynastic: The Construction of Predynastic Galleys Sniffing out the Gods: Archaeology with the Senses Death and the Right Fluids: Perspectives from Egyptology and Anthropology A Question of Substance: Interpreting Kinship and Relatedness in Ancient Egypt “Taking Ancient Egyptian Mortuary Religion Seriously”: Why Would We, and How Could We? Dirt, Purity, and Spatial Control: Anthropological Perspectives on Ancient Egyptian Society and Culture during the Middle Kingdom Write to Dominate Reality: Graphic Alteration of Anthropomorphic Signs in the Pyramid Texts Power Relations and the Adoption of Foreign Material Culture: A Different Perspective from First-Millennium BCE Nubia Into the Wild? Rethinking the Dynastic Conception of the Desert beyond Nature and Culture Egyptology and Anthropology: Historiography, Theoretical Exchange, and Conceptual Development 2017 Book Review: Jean Li—Women, Gender, and Identity in Third Intermediate Period Thebes: The Theban Case Study Recent Research on the “Carnegie Boat” from Dahshur, Egypt Investigation and Analysis Study of an Old Kingdom Cheops First Boat Oar Blade The Ship Depiction in the Tomb of Nebamun: The Earliest Egyptian Ship without a Hogging Truss The Vernacular Boats of Egypt’s Natural Lakes: Documentation of Living Maritime Heritage Amulets in Context: A View from Late Bronze Age Tel Azekahs Processional Barques from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62) Conference: 13th International Conference of Demotic Studies (IDS), Bibliotheca Albertina, Leipzig, 3–8 September 2017