Archive by Articles 2019 The Wise Woman and the Healing Practice (O. OIM 16974) Book Review: Ilan Peled (ed.)—Structures of Power: Law and Gender Across the Ancient Near East and Beyond Are Women the Key to Understanding the Kushite Presence in Egypt? Several Remarks on Thebes during the Twenty-fifth Dynasty Preliminary Observations on Hellenistic Honorific Statuary in Ptolemaic Egypt Coffins as Statues? The Study of Cover British Museum EA 55022 from Roman Egypt Egyptian Shabtis Discovered in Various Regions of Europe Mediterranean Influence in the Ceramic Assemblage of the Small-scale Settlement of Al-Qārah al-Ḥamrā Quarrying for Augustus: Gebel el-Silsila as a Source for Early Roman Monuments at Dendera Book Review: Manfred Bietak and Silvia Prell (eds.)—Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Near Eastern Palaces, Volume 1 Book Review: Jeffrey Spier, Timothy Potts, and Sara E. Cole (eds.)—Beyond the Nile: Egypt and the Classical World Indian Glass in Ancient Nubia Are Aegeans Depicted on Relief Block 1985.328.13 in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York? Mid-to-Late 18th Dynasty Egyptian Functionaries Serving in the Southern Levant: Can We Trace the Individuals? Movement and Mobility Between Egypt and the Southern Levant in the Second Millennium BCE Late Bronze Age Production, Use, and Exchange of Luxury Vases: A New Approach The Expulsion of the Hyksos and the End of the Middle Bronze Age: A Reassessment in Light of Recent Chronological Research Egyptian Worshippers in Canaanite Sanctuaries: Cultural Negotiation in Temple and Paraphernalia from the LB IIB–IA IA Southern Levant Archaeological Evidence for the Presence of Egyptians in the Southern Levant during the Late Bronze Age: A Reappraisal Identifying the Lachish of Papyrus Hermitage 1116A verso and the Amarna Letters: Implications of New Radiocarbon Dating 2018 Book Review: Donald B. Redford—The Medinet Habu Records of the Foreign Wars of Ramesses III Book Review: Anne-Marie Guimier-Sorbets, André Pelle, and Mervat Seif el-Din—Resurrection in Alexandria: The Painted Greco-Roman Tombs of Kom al-Shuqafa Food Heritage: Proximate Composition Analysis of Forelegs of Steers (“Oxen”) and Their Pharaonic Cultural Context Appearance and Reality in Ancient Egyptian Votive Animal Mummies Kerma Ceramics, Commensality Practices, and Sensory Experiences in Egypt During the Late Middle Bronze Age Egyptianizing Practices and Cultural Hybridity in the Southern Levant During the Late Bronze Age The Diffusion of the Alphabet in the Second Millennium BCE: On the Movements of Scribal Ideas from Egypt to the Levant, Mesopotamia, and Yemen Announcement: Joint Conference on the Bioarchaeology of Ancient Egypt & The International Symposium on Animals in Ancient Egypt Book Review: M. Becker, A. I. Blöbaum, and A. Lohwasser (eds.)—“Prayer and Power”: Proceedings of the Conference on the God’s Wives of Amun in Egypt during the First Millennium BC Book Review: Rogério Sousa—Burial Assemblages from Bab el-Gasus in the Geographical Society of Lisbon Book Review: Eitan Grossman, Peter Dils, Tonio Sebastian Richter, and Wolfgang Schenkel (eds.)—Greek Influence on Egyptian-Coptic: Contact-Induced Change in an Ancient African Language