Archive by Articles 2021 Three Egyptian Serekh-like Incisions Found on One Vessel at the Early Bronze Age IB City of ‘En Esur, Israel Incident at Shellal: A Reappraisal of the History of Philae in the 4th Century CE Gift of the Nile: Index Appendix: Sources for the Study of the Ancient Egyptian Environment A Manifesto for the Study of the Ancient Egyptian Environment Chapter Ten: Conclusion: Towards a “Geoegyptology” Chapter Nine: Reconstructing Egypt’s Paleoecology and Paleoclimate: An Assessment of the Opportunities and Pitfalls Chapter Eight: Ceramics as Indicators of Complexity Chapter Seven: Landscape, Settlement, and Populations: Production and Regional Dynamics in Middle Egypt in the Longue Durée Chapter Six: Interpreting Ramesside Landing Places Along the Egyptian Nile Valley: Landscape and Geomorphological Features of the Floodplain Chapter Five: The Role of Settlements and Urban Society for the History of Ancient Egypt: The Case Study of Tell Edfu during the Late Old Kingdom Chapter Four: Human-Environmental Relationships within Neolithic Adaptations Chapter Three: Nile Management: The Evolving Dialogue Between Egyptians and Their Mighty, Migrating River Chapter Two: A Compendium of Recent Evidence from Egypt and Sudan for Climate Change during the Pharaonic Period Chapter One: From Object to Subject: Towards a New Narrative for the Nile and Water in Ancient Egyptian Civilization 2020 Review: War and Trade with the Pharaohs: An Archaeological Study of Ancient Egypt’s Foreign Relations by Garry J. Shaw Reivew: Unearthing Ancient Nubia: Photographs from the Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition by Lawrence M. Berman Sociolinguistic Identities and Egyptian Imperialism in the Early Late Bronze Age Levant Looking Like Griffins: Spiral-Shaped Fringes and Locks in the Coiffure of Aegean Emissaries Represented in Egyptian Eighteenth Dynasty Theban Tombs Retenu: Between the Fifteenth and the Nineteenth Dynasties, with an Appendix on the Chronology of Tell el-Dab‘a Naming Practices and Identity in the Early Late Bronze Age Levant: A Linguistic and Geographical Analysis of Local Rulers’ Names Attested in the Amarna Letters Melting Pots: Entanglement, Appropriation, Hybridity, and Assertive Objects between the Pan-Grave and Egyptian Ceramic Traditions Similarities among North Mesopotamian (Late Halaf), Egyptian (Naqada), and Nubian (A-Group) Female Figurines of the 6–4th Millennia BCE A Note on First Dynasty Egypt, Tel Bet Yerah, and the Origins of Commodity Exchange on the Levantine Seaboard Upper Egypt in Neo-Assyrian Official Inscriptions: A Case Study in Neo-Assyrian Imperial Ideology The Statues of Udjahorresnet as Archaeological Artifacts Neith as Legitimator: Persian Religious Strategy and Udjahorresnet The Shaft Tomb of Udjahorresnet at Abusir On the Originality of Udjahorresnet’s Biographical Inscriptions Udjahorresnet’s Naoforo Vaticano: Acquisition and Exhibition