Archive by Articles 2013 K(no)w More Spears From The Backs Of Chariots: Problems With The Battle Of Kadesh’s Thrusting Spears Fishing for Meaning: The Significance of Net Weights, Fishhooks and Netting Needles in Mortuary Contexts at Tell el-‘Ajjul Critical Remarks on a Proposed Etymology of Hebrew נצר and Aramaic Nqr Toward Pinpointing the Timing of the Egyptian Abandonment of Avaris During the Middle of the 18th Dynasty An Analysis of Two Theories Proposing Domestic Goats, Sheep, and Other Goods Were Imported into Egypt by Sea During the Neolithic Period S. Wachsmann, The Gurob Ship-Cart Model and Its Mediterranean Context D. Peacock & L. Blue (eds.), Myos Hormos – Quseir al-Qadim Roman and Islamic Ports on the Red Sea, Volume 2: Finds from the Excavations 1999-2003 D. A. Agius, et al. (eds.), Navigated Spaces, Connected Places. Proceedings of Red Sea Project V held at the University of Exeter, 16-19 September 2010 Research Report: Brief Report of the Project of the Second Boat of King Khufu Research Report: The Wadi el-Jarf Site: A Harbor of Khufu on the Red Sea Research Report: Thonis-Heracleion, Emporion of Egypt, Recent Discoveries and Research Perspectives: The Shipwrecks A Late Period Riverine and Maritime Port Town and Cult Center at Tell Tebilla (Ro-nefer) The Earliest Sailboats in Egypt and Their Influence on the Development of Trade, Seafaring in the Red Sea, and State Development ‘Šrdn from the Sea’: The Arrival, Integration, and Acculturation of a ‘Sea People’ Gift Exchange and Seaborne Contact in Eighteenth Dynasty Egypt: The Case of Keftiu Artists at Tell el-Dab‘a (Avaris) 2012 Egyptian Imports from Tomb VII at Tell Mišrife/Qatna (Syria) Recent Articles on Mersa/Wadi Gawasis Recent Research in Greco-Egyptian Interactions Ramesside Scarabs Simulating Middle Bronze Age Canaanite Prototypes: Canaanite or Egyptian? Egypt and the Mediterranean: Cultural Crossroads during the First Millennium BCE Catalogue of Sculptures of the Egyptian Collections of the National Archaeological Museum, Athens The Iconographic Representation of Disembodied Kingship in the Egyptian Ritual Landscape of the New Kingdom Journeys with Goddesses and More The Western Marmarica Coastal Survey, Libya Aegyptiaka: Egyptian Religious Values and Demonic Motifs in Archaic Greece Recent and Ongoing Egyptian-Aegean Interconnections Research Ongoing Investigations at a Late Old Kingdom Coastal Fort at Ras Budran in South Sinai Petrographic Analyses in the Study of Egyptian Interconnections and Ceramic Technology Satellite Imagery Detection of a Possible Hippodrome and Other Features at the Ptolemaic-Roman Port Town of Taposiris Magna Toward Pinpointing the Timing of the Egyptian Abandonment of Avaris during the Middle of the 18th Dynasty