Archive by Articles 2014 Peripatetic Nomads along the Nile: Unfolding the Nubian Pan-Grave Culture of the Second Intermediate Period At the Border between Egypt and Nubia: Skeletal Material from El-Hesa Cemetery 2 Editorial Essay: Nubia, Coming Out of the Shadow of Egypt 2013 The Crossroads II, or There and Back Again: The Second International Conference Dedicated to the Study of Relations Between Egypt, the Aegean, the Levant and the Sudan in the Second and First Millennia B.C.E. Religion, Politics and Culture in the Mediterranean from the 8th to 6th C. BC: Egyptian and Near Eastern Objects in Archaic Greek Sanctuaries and the Sociopolitical Implications Chasing Chariots: Proceedings of the First International Chariot Conference (Cairo 2012) Armenian Egyptology Center Research Program 2013-14 International Connections at Kom El Ahmar: A Later Period-Coptic Period Site in Middle Egypt An Enigmatic Site Near Debabiya: Desert and Nilotic Interconnections During the Late Roman Period Storytelling in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece: A Progress Report Egyptian Demonology within the Phylogenetic and Polymorphic Environment of the Late Period and Ptolemaic Egypt: Searching for Modes of Demonic Conception, Progression and Praxis Tell El-Borg, A Frontier Defensive Site and Crossroad to the East Recent Work of the Austrian Archaeological Institute in Egypt Foreign Pottery at the Site of Tausret’s Temple of Millions of Years The Sixth Satrapy: The Archaeology of Egypt Under Achaemenid Rule Egypt as Cultural Crossroad: Historical and Archaeological Studies Between Tradition and Innovative Technologies The Sphinx of Mycerinus Found at Hazor The Grand Egyptian Museum: A Home for Interconnections Nilotic Scenes, Egyptian Religion, and Roman Perceptions Aegyptiaca in the Northern Levant: New Insights into the Contextualization and Reception of Egyptian and Egyptianizing Objects During the Bronze Age 9th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East Damian Robinson and Andrew Wilson (eds.)– Maritime Archaeology and Ancient Trade in the Mediterranean Louise Steel– Materiality and Consumption in the Bronze Age Mediterranean The Pyla-Koutsopetria Archaeological Project: A Preliminary Report of Excavations at Pyla-Viglia, a Fortified Settlement Dating to the Hellensitic Era Overseers of an Entangled Island: Hybrid Cultural Identities of Early Iron Age Cyprus Accumulations: Updating the Role of Cypriot Bichrome Ware in Egypt From Egyptian to Egyptianizing in Cypriot Glyptic of the Late Bronze Age Cyprus and Egypt in the Late Bronze Age Adam Zertal (ed.), El–Ahwat, A Fortified Site from the Early Iron Age Near Nahal ‘Iron, Israel: Excavations 1993–2000, Culture & History of the Ancient Near East 24 Caitlin E. Barrett, Egyptianizing Figurines from Delos: A Study in Hellenistic Religion