Archive by Articles 2014 Report on a Project to Synchronize Egyptian and Levantine Chronologies of the Third Millennium BCE A Ptolemaic Royal Portrait in the Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona Le motif en « trèfle »: Un exemple de transfert iconographique en Mediterranee orientale a l’age du bronze The Egyptian Diplomatic System in the Late Bronze Age Beyond the Terms of “Brotherhood” and “Equality”:The Egyptian “Abandonment” of Power and Aspects of Pharaonic Identity and Kingship Nubia Evidence in the Egyptian First Nome: Results of the 2013-2014 Field Seasons of the Aswan-Kom Ombo Archaeological Project (AKAP) The Middle Bronze Age “Green Jasper Seal Workshop”: New Evidence from the Levant and Egypt Revisiting Middle Kingdom Interactions in Nubia: The Uronarti Regional Archaeological Project Self Presentation in Ancient Egypt, Nubia, and the Near East Some Remarks on the Tjemhu Libyans A Preliminary Look at Theban Tomb 119 and its Scene of “Foreign Tribute” Wandering Rosettes: Qatna’s Key to a Misunderstood Motif Book Announcement: Egyptian Bioarchaeology: Humans, Animals, and the Environment, edited by S. Ikram, J. Kaiser & R. Walker Book Announcement: The Medieval Nile: Route, Navigation, and Landscape in Islamic Egypt, by J. Cooper Book Announcement: 1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed, by E.H. Cline Red Sea VII: The Red Sea and the Gulf * Two Maritime Alternative Routes in the Development of Global Economy from Late Prehistory to Modern Times Egyptian-Style Pottery Dated to the 13th Century BCE at Hazor, Megiddo and Lachish: Corpus, Ware Fabrics and Typology Late Bronze Age Imports at Qantir: Petrographic and Contextual Analysis of Fabric Groups Greek Imports Unearthed at the Saite-Persian Cemetery at Abusir Ceramic Bibliography 2010-2014 The Indo-Asiatic Origin of Gas, The Ancient Egyptian Name for the Wild Sugar Cane (Saccharum Spontaneum L.) Leather And Skin as Markers of Early Exchanges Between Western Asia and Egypt? Scarab-Stamped Impressions and Weaving at Middle Bronze Age Tell Dothan Notes on the Mediterranean and Red Sea Ships and Ship Construction from Sahure to Hatshepsut The War of Sennacherib Against Egypt as Described in Herodotus II 141 Mycenaean and Cypriot Pottery from Gurob in the Manchester Museum Collection: A Test of Trade Network Theories for The New Kingdom Fayum The Worship of Isis and Serapis in Nomentum (Rome): Some Epigraphic and Archaeological Evidence The Chronology and Attribution of Royal Pyramids at Meroe and Gebel Barkal: BEG N 8, BEG N 12, BAR 5 and BAR 2 Some Geographical and Political Aspects to Relations between Egypt and Nubia in C-Group and Kerma Times, ca. 2500 – 1500 B.C. Creating and Re-Shaping Egypt in Kush: Responses at Amara West Tirhakah, King of Kush and Sennacherib